Wednesday, June 8

Moving To Tumblr

Hey loyal visitors and other people who show up here from time to time. It turns out that when I said 2 weeks I really meant 2 months afk. Whoops!

Anyway, to make my life easier and facilitate more posting I'm moving the distillery over to Tumblr. It's a lot easier to post my random finds up there, so hopefully this leads to more stuff going up!


Tuesday, June 7

Thursday, April 21


I'm out on vacation for the next week and a half, so until I'm back enjoy this mocking bunny.

Linked To By: Sarah K.

Thursday, April 14

I'm Awesome

I can only hope to be as awesome as Spose. Did you see that bed?!

Linked To By: Matt J.

Nicest Man On The Planet?

This nice elderly Australian man has directly saved over 160 people's lives over the past 50 years. How? His house overlooks one of the more common suicide jumps in the country, so each day he keeps a lookout for lone people hesitating near the edge. If he sees one, Don goes out, chats with them and then invites them inside for tea. This is a real hero, read up.

Friday, April 8

Canadian Evel Knievel

The US doesn't have a monopoly on hicks, as you'll witness in a second. They're not the classiest of folk, but I'll be damned if they don't make amusing youtube videos!