Friday, August 20

Cats And Guidance Lasers

More cat humor. It's funny if you've had a mad scientist genius cat.

Words: The Movie

It took me a bit to figure out what was going on in this movie, but I don't want to rob that moment of realization from you. Suffice to say it has to do with words.

Thursday, August 19

Egg Trap

In the words of a famous admiral, "IT'S A TRAP!"

Linked To By: Katie D.

Wrestler Turned Politician

This comic falls solidly into the 'funny because it's true' category.

Wednesday, August 18

Breakbot Is Funky

I discovered this song via some fancy footwork courtesy of TakeSomeCrime, but when I watched the real music video I was damn impressed. The transitions in particular are amazing.

Tuesday, August 17

A Real Thinking Cap

I love when science tells me that things I would have assumed were crazy are actually useful. Case and point, see this article describing some tests where they zapped peoples brains into being more efficient. Thats right, targeted electrical pulses to the head made people perform over twice as well on some pattern recognition tests! Perhaps "put on your thinking cap" will be literal someday soon.

Literal Tron Trailer

I'd never thought a song literally describing the events of a trailer could be amusing, but this guy is hilarious. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of his stuff posted here as I find it.

Walking, walking, walking, walking, cut. JEFF BRIDGES!