Friday, February 25

Goose Whisperer

If you haven't discovered Tobuscus before, he's pretty amusing in his own particular style. He now has a weekly cute/win/fail contest where a video from each category is shown and then voted on by the viewers. Some of them are hilarious.

Chronicles Of Rick Roll

A movie about internet memes. I can't tell if this is a clever idea or just obnoxious, but its hard to imagine that a video based on viral stuff won't at least go a little viral, right? I can haz views?

Linked To By: Sarah K.

Glitch Mob - Between Two Points

I haven't figured out the nuances of it yet, but it certainly seems deep. Heh, and regardless I like the styling and movement they used.

Kobe And The Black Mamba

I'm not sure how Nike came up with this hilarious advertisement, but I'm damn impressed. It doesn't over sell the shoes but they're certainly there. More importantly, this is the kind of stuff that everyone will send to their friends and remember. Touché Nike.

Wednesday, February 23

Multimedia Book

Its hard to tell with these kinds of things if they're the future or crazy, but I rather like where the author is going with this app. It's a "book" for the iPad that integrates video and some little interactive sequences with the evidence from the case. Sadly I don't have one of those over sized iPhones so I can't try it for myself. Ah well.

Sunday, February 20

Shadow Fighting Samurai

Peter Pan has got nothing on this guy's shadow fighting abilities. Even the cast of lost could have used his skills.

Linked To By: Cory V.