Friday, May 7

Headless Studio Reel

I have no idea where I can find these animations, but I want to watch ALL OF THEM! You do too, you just don't know it yet.

Unexpected Terrorist

I haven't been able to find a source to credit this to, but I like the moment it captures. It's got lots of attention to detail and I found it poignant.

I'm going to label this NSFW, but amusingly the site these came from is porn safe for work. Its all these cheesy mspaint style cover ups of things that shouldn't be seen by viewers under the age of mature. Creative but dirty.

Ironing Man Trailer

What if Tony Stark was Tony Starch, and he designed irons? Apparently he'd still be badass.

Linked To By: J. Irons (how appropriate)

Thursday, May 6

How is Superman Like a License Plate?


Star Wars Lego Summary

All of the original Star Wars trilogy summed up in 2 minutes of brilliant stop action lego animation. What's not to like?!

Elephant Paints Self Portrait

As far as I can tell this video is entirely legitimate. The camera never cuts and it smoothly pulls back and forth between the easel and the elephant painting the picture several times. If so, this video just blew my mind. I don't know if the elephant was just trained to draw that specific picture or if it has some idea of 'drawing an elephant', but either way that painting actually has nice lines and is clearly identifiable! All hail elephants, our new lords and masters!!

Wednesday, May 5

Severed But Alive Dog Head

This old footage is simultaneously scientifically interesting and morally horrifying at the same time. I want to fully warn people that you're about to see a dog that was surgically decapitated and then artificially sustained via a crude blood oxidization system. If you love dogs and/or are squeamish you might regret watching this. I can't tell if I do...

Solid Potato Salad

This is one of those videos you've just gotta watch to appreciate. Just know that these classy ladies show off some other damn impressive skills AFTER the singing (though its hard to top rhyming potato salad with pallid...), so make sure you wait! And yes, this is totally safe for work, even though the screen cap kind of looks like softcore porn...

Tuesday, May 4

Dangers of Water to Wine

Have you ever considered what one would have to do in order to turn water into wine? SMBC has the answer below (click to see full comic).

Apollo 11 Launch Footage

Everyone already knows spaceships are fucking sweet and this footage only further proves it. Watch the base of the Apollo 13 launch pad as the massive Saturn IV boosters ignite and light the entire pad on fire as they spit 7.5 millions of pounds of thrust out. Its equal parts epic and awe inspiring. Check it out.