Saturday, February 5

Smooth Criminal On Dueling Cellos

It is always fun discovering new talents on YouTube that you wouldn't even think to look for. Michael Jackson done with cellos in a broken ring of chairs? Yeah, why the fuck not.

Paper Layer Art

I didn't even know this was an art form but as the internet constantly reminds me, I don't know shit. Check out some of the breathtaking work here made entirely from paper.

Friday, February 4

Everything Is A Remix

I'm sure this isn't the first time you've heard the idea that everything is a re-imagining of things seen before, but this man's videos do a particularly good job of illustrating the parallels without demonizing them. Our brains function by assembling previous information in new ways. That is creativity.

Wednesday, February 2

Indian Robot Action Flick

So this already hilarious and quirky Indian robot movie is going to seem even weirder because this video is a russian dub of the movie. I couldn't find anything with English subs, so you'll just have to guess whats going on. Oh well, enjoy the madness! (the movie is called Endhiran if you want to know more)

Linked By: Sarah K.

New Volkswagen Beetle

A clever take on an obvious pun. Caution, all driving was conducted by a professional beetle in a closed forest. Do not attempt this at home.