Saturday, April 2

Outrunning The Wind Powering You

Here's a weird video that'll take your brain for a loop. Its a vehicle powered entirely by wind going straight downwind 2.8 times *FASTER* than the wind. WTF? Yeah, I know.

Linked To By: Frank

Skittles Touch: Cat

I have to warn you, this is really really cute. And then it scars you for life. Don't be a little bitch though and ride it all the way to the bitter end.

Starcraft Comes To Console!

Yes, FINALLY! It's been a long time coming.

Canadian Redneck Daredevil

The Southern US gets a lot of shit for its country folk, but you can find rednecks all over the world. I don't know what it is about being landlocked that seems to do this to people, but behold central Canada's contribution to the world.

The Majestic Plastic Bag

I like how this video is simultaneously amusing and educational, without bashing you over the head with its green message. This is the way to get people's attention!

Linked To By: Cory V.