Friday, December 17

DJing With A Multi-Touch Light Table

I know what you're thinking. "Man, I'd love to get into DJing but hauling my gear from club to club after all that partying would just be so tiring." Well fear no more, this fellow has invented a brilliant multi-touch light screen program so that all you need to bring is your flash drive with your music. Well... that and you've got to get all your clubs to buy one of these for ya...

Meet Buck

The classic boyfriend meets father bit has been done to death... but never like this. Buck goes to visit his excitable girlfriend and gets a surprise introduction to dad. Hilarious.

Paths Of Hate

I love the style and energy behind this trailer, and it immediately made me go check out the film's site. Sadly there isn't much information there, but I'm hoping this is going to be released somewhere I can see it. Even with no words it's so visceral.

I Love You So Lip Sync

Much like the Johnny Cash Project, these guys used a little application to let normal people make a music video for a classic song. Its not quite as nifty of a setup, but the results are great to watch.

Find it here on Vimeo (with things like a seek bar)

Thursday, December 16

Upside Down Spetnaz

Is this photo real? Probably not. But it's so awesome I don't want to go out and disprove it. Ignorance is bliss and what not.

Wednesday, December 15

Mario Brothers GTA IV

I don't think many people have asked the question, "What would Grand Theft Auto be like with the Mario Brothers?" but I suppose its greater than 0. Here's a hilarious (and violent) take on that situation.

Tuesday, December 14

Why Statistics Are Important

Sometimes people can be very bad at risk management. I've tried to use this argument to get people to try skydiving, but its just inherently scarier to fling yourself from a plane than it is to get in a car and go downtown.

Robot Arm Ride

Somewhere between incredible stupidity and devious engineering lies a sweet spot where things like this can thrive. (0:06 is a good example of closer to stupidity)

Condom Bagpipe

Its creative and unexpected. I don't really know what else to say.