Friday, April 23

Leonard Nimoy's Ballad of Bilbo Baggins

Is this the high point or low point in Leonard's career? You decide. I think both sides can agree this is odd by today's standards.

Linked To By: Shawn W.

Kung Fu Bunny

This awesome animation is actually the third movie following a series of two others. The basic idea is that there is this cocky bunny who beats the crap out of the cameraman/animator guy, so he made a dog to combat him. Sadly the dog has performed sub par so far, but perhaps things are looking up. This video is an impressive mix of live action and animation blended together.

(Not gonna lie, I definitely cheered for the dog. Underdogs ftw)

The Sexed Generation

This is for all you nerds out there. Have you ever thought to yourself that Star Trek was super sexual? Well you will after you watch this lovely compilation that dives into the gutter then begins digging very hard. You'll either laugh, wince, or probably both. (audio is NSFW)

Facial Hair to Trustworthiness Mapping

Well shit, looks like I'm questionable at best and moving on towards unsavory. Time to grow out a mustache to improve my self image. (click to zoom, you'll need it)

Digital Windows Are Here

Have you ever sat in your cubical/parent basement/batcave and thought to yourself how nice it'd be to be able to look out onto the Golden Gate Bridge? Or space? Well this woman apparently has invented a little setup using a wiimote that mimics a window allowing you to peer into a virtual world. You can even change the world with a flick of your iPhone. How sauve.

Of course there's the downside that it only works for one person in the room while everyone else gets sea sick. Oh, and the super pimp bling you need (see baby). Its a cool idea though and certainly more interesting then one of those digital picture frames.

Top Light Graffiti Artists

Now I'm gonna be frank with you, I think graffiti is a misnomer here. What these artists do is possibly the most transient kind of stuff one could do. But hey, whatever makes them feel edgy and cool right? Of course I only mock them because I'm jealous. thats some gorgeous stuff they're creating with just light sticks and a long exposure.


Heavy Metal Spins Me Right Round

Has anyone one else thought to themselves as they listen to one of the many versions of the 70's glam rock song "Spin Me Right Round" that there needed to be a hardcore rock version?

No? Okay, just me I guess...

Linked to By: Kris K.

Thursday, April 22

Sauron on Chatroulette

Though it doubt this actually happened, I like to pretend it did. Poor Frodo.