Friday, May 28

The Waldo Ultimatum

I always wondered what Waldo's back story was. Now I know that he wonders too...

Azureus Rising - Proof of Concept

You might know that I love me some mindless action films from time to time, but this little video is almost too over the top for me. There's pretty much nothing other than the gorgeous technical display going on here, but man do they have that in spades. Why do flips help you dodge poorly calibrated guns and why is there an empty city full of huge robots? Who cares, its preeeetty.

Paint the World Bright Colors

I can't tell if this is actually a *good* idea but it certainly makes for awesome stop motion and does brighten up the streets. That pure purple courtyard was a bit overwhelming though, hehe.

Music and Video Mashups

I try to not force my musical tastes onto all of you since I know they're not universal, but every once and a while I find something so epic that I just think it needs to be experienced. In this case I've got a collection of mashed up songs and music videos that I think are damn catchy. They include combos such as:
Prodigy / White Stripes
Gorillaz / Daft Punk
Kanye West / Beethoven (yes, the internet truly has everything)
Lady Gaga / Eurythmics

Here's an example from my awesome playlist!

Aviary Browser Tools

This release took me entirely by surprise, and I like to think I'm at least a little on top of developing technology. Aviary has released a set of 6 free fully featured tools that run entirely in your browser. In case you missed the salient point, these things run entirely inside your mother f***ing browser! They've got a lovely tool that simply for taking screen shots (Falcon) and marking them up, all the way to a Photoshop clone and a remixing board. Thats right, I composed and distributed a song entirely from within Chrome. Considering it took me about 15 min from my very first time booting the program to finished product, thats impressive.

Its available for Chrome and Firefox, which should cover everyone... right?

Post any cool stuff you make in the comments!

Thursday, May 27

Wow, the Sky Hates Oklahoma

Not only does poor Oklahoma have to deal with being stuck in the middle of tornado alley, but apparently their weather patterns gleefully attempt to bludgeon them to death in between said twisters of doom. The huge hail storm going on here at the beginning is already intense, but trust me when I say you ain't seen nothing yet. B-b-b-baby, you just ain't see nothing yet... until around 1:45

Iron Baby

Because there just haven't been enough Iron Man related posts on the site, here's one more. The production value on this little clip is quite impressive, it could pass for movie quality stuff I think. Also note her awesome golden safety pin.

Linked To By: Shawn W.

Wednesday, May 26

I'm Thinking of a Person...

This little genie guy is preposterously good at playing 20 questions for guessing characters. He's gotten almost everything I've thrown at him from the more well known Conan the Barbarian and Winston Churchill to the obscure such as Darth Revan and Shaco. See if you can out wit this learning program!

My Favorite Position

Oh sexual puns, how ridiculously awesome thou art'... Its a little NSFW though