Friday, December 18

Guitar Hero Christmas Lights

You know how every year someone has to outdo everyone else with a massive Christmas light show, often timed to catchy music? Well it looks like this year's winner is...
Christmas Light Hero

My only complaint is that the Guitar Hero fretting is either on easy or totally inaccurate. Damn, get it right guys...

Laryngitis is a Bitch

Have you ever had your romantic evening ruined because of something as lame as a hoarse throat? Then take a few tips from SMBC and turn the magic back on with a little help.

Magic Beans the Drug?

Man, those things should have a warning label on them. Can you imagine the lawsuit Jack could have put together if he'd survived the brutal vegetative evisceration? It'd be like that hot McD coffee lady all over again...

Family Guy's Starwars Episode V

So you like Star Wars, like Family Guy and hate waiting? Well then I've got the perfect way for you to waste... I mean savor an hour of your life!

Behold Family Guy's Starwars Episode V (sequel to their previous one).

Bacon Coke

If you just can't get enough bacon in your life (I'm looking at you Steve) then the natural solution is to flavor even non-bacon products with that savory fried pig flavor! But when even such fabulous products as baconnaise, bacon vodka, bacon mints, bacon candy, and  bacon sex lube just won't cut it, I bring you the latest and greatest...

Hey, at least its diet right?

Thursday, December 17

Ironman II Trailer

Ironman is back as his same cocky, arrogant, ass kicking self along with his new partner Warmachine (see guy with a freaking minigun on his shoulder) in this sweet trailer. Robots fight, sexy assassins assassinate, crazy latino ex-prisoners build plasma whips, explosions everywhere, and we can safely say that everything points to a good sequel ;)

Traumatizing Christmas Photo

Because this wouldn't scar a child for life or anything...

Tuesday, December 15

For the Love of Mrs. Brown

One of the few things in life funnier than good British humor is good unabashedly dirty British humor. Throw in an  Irish accents and drag and its not even fair! Even the people they interview have amazing accents, I clearly need to go back to the UK again. (NSFW!!)

Linked To By: Vandy S.

Monday, December 14

Six LotR Character's Who Totally Dropped the Ball

A hilarious compilation of those moments where you just stare at the screen and go WHY?! Though I have to complain that cracked totally missed the most obvious one. Elrond letting Isildur walk back out of Mount Doom with the one ring in his hand. I wonder how Elrond lived with that fact over the next 3000 years...