Friday, November 20

The Ultimate Camouflage

There is a person in this image, and they put Waldo to shame. Liu Bolin is an amazing photographer/painter who paints himself up for all of these shots. Thats right, there is ZERO photoshopping going on here. He did it the good old fashion way with time and lots of chemical poisoning. Check out the rest of his gallery, its impressive!

Nature is so Awesome, Check out this Seal

Wow, its videos like that this that make you realize how much we underestimate some of the other animals on our planet. This seal showed more compassion and hospitality to a total stranger than most people would! Either that or the wetsuit confused it into thinking the photographer was a seal :P

Either way, its an amazing view. It will blow your mind.

Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions

The title pretty much says it all. Everyone knows that cool guys don't look at explosions.

Know Your Memes! (Auto Tuning)

Hey all, have you ever found yourself perplexed by the inside jokes that run rampant through the internet? You know things like, "What the hell is this gopher staring at the camera" or "Who is this kid tripping balls in the backseat of a car?". I know I have! Well these kind scientists at RocketBoom have it all figured out and with the help of Weird Al (its actually him!) they'll guide you into the cool kids group... well kinda cool kids.

So obviously you've already seen Rap Chop, I'm on a Boat, and Winston Churchill singing. Wait, what? You say you haven't?! Well I'll wait right here until you're done.
No seriously, watch them. NOW!
Okay, now that you're laughing and confused, watch the following video to be illuminated!

Thursday, November 19

DJ Hero Showdown

Tears for Fears "Shout" vs Eric Prydz "Pjanoo" Rhianna "Disturbia" vs The Killers "Somebody Told Me"

Just for fun and to try something new, here are two songs from the game DJ Hero that I think are awesome. Listen to them both and give me a vote in the comments section on which one is better! Or just enjoy listening to them :P

Laptop Batteries Trump Water

XKCD once again proves that logic can overcome any situation! ... or get  you arrested.

Math. Its All About How You Sell It

Damn, if only I'd known earlier! Why have all you mathematicians been holding out on us?!

Wednesday, November 18

TED Talk on how to Foster Creativity

This video with both make you laugh and make you think all at the same time which is a fabulous way to learn. Check it out and tell me what you think in the comments! Is he right that our education system is focusing people's minds too narrowly?

Monday, November 16

With a time machine every day is Halloween!

Jim Carrey's Website is Craaazy

Turns out Jim Carrey has a fittingly esoteric and crazy website that's actually just fun to poke around. I highly recommend at least clicking on the "Origins" button in the lower right and let yourself be pulled into Canada by a massive squid tentacle. If that doesn't pique your interest, well I don't really know what else to say =)

Charting the Character Flow of Movies

I can't imagine how much time was sunk into this and its damn near impossible to read but I love the idea behind it. Huzzah for nerds!

Sunday, November 15

The World's Worst Metaphors

*The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn’t.
*Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle that had its two other sides gently compressed by a Thigh Master.
Its prose like the above that really stimulates the neurons eh? Check out this article where the English language is slaughtered in the name of competition :)

Modeling Machine Learning off the Neocortex

This is an awesome lecture about how this guy is imitating the pattern recognition system of the human brain to "teach" machines broader ideas and allow them to decipher novel situations. Skip the first 6 min, they're just boring intros :P