Friday, March 26

Ben Folds and Chat Roulette

So hopefully everyone here already knows what Chat Roulette is because you're all so internet savvy. Sadly its mostly filled with pervs and other such undesirables. However a man named Merton took a stand and did something totally sweet; he improved music to the people he encountered. Its hilarious in of itself (and immensely popular), but it gets better.

People were speculating who he was, and many people decided he was Ben Fold the famous musician. Well, he's not but Ben Fold loved the idea so much he ended up doing it live in concert! Whats better, he's good at it too!

Virigin's First Spacecraft Test Flight

Oh man, I've been following Virgin Galactic ever since they seriously started pursuing commercial space flight. Well they've certainly taken another massive step forward as they flew the combined mothership and spacecraft together in a test flight (though they remained connected for this one, no actual space flight). If nothing else you have to admit that the craft look damned sexy.

For those of you who don't know, the basic idea is to have the mothership fly the spacecraft up high into the air, where it then ignites and propels itself the rest of the way into space. With the entire setup being entirely reusable it should hopefully usher in a new era where you can buy tickets to space for a "reasonable" price!

Skeleton Jack Visits St. Patty's Day

Did you ever wonder what Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas would have thought of all those other holidays he missed out on? How about Saint Patrick's Day? Well look no further as Jack ponders the mystery of this booze soaked celebration.

Die Hardly Working

I'm constantly impressed at visual quality of the movies the guys at CH can put out. This action film isn't exactly highbrow stuff, but it's amusing to watch. My main complaint is that the ending is kind of weak, but the ride is worth it.

Caution: Sparta

I know this is a little joke is a little old now, but it made me laugh so I'll share it anyway. At least they're nice enough to give you fair warning.

Thursday, March 25

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Flowchart

This flowchart here will answer all of your zombie survival questions, namely: "Would I survive?"

Sadly, the answer is overwhelmingly no, though you might get a sequel and some sweet zombie fights before you go down. There isn't much more you could wish for really.

Wednesday, March 24

Wario Shakes Youtube

Hot on the heels of my post of Frito-Lays' salsa commercial on Vimeo I bring the Warioland Shake It YouTube commercial. It was actually done before the salsa one, and took a different approach to it. I won't give anything away, but I'll point out that you should try playing around with all the bits afterwards. Its a pretty clever setup.

Home Taping is Killing Music

Home taping is killing music, just like the radio and the juke box before it. The music industry needs to start adapting instead of crying foul every time a new form of music distribution is invented.

Tuesday, March 23

Avatar 2?

How could you make film to top Avatar? Well, this fan has a pretty good idea (and some impressive skills). I won't say more lest I ruin it for you.