Friday, February 5

Little Worlds

This guy makes some amazing model worlds. The photos on his site aren't photoshopped, they actually all physical scenes with practical effects that he describes below each one. Its rather breathtaking.

Post your favorite in the comments!

Drinking for Another Season

Under the intense pressure of the "Steam Room" we watch some hardcore analysis of football's greatest drinker. The Onion won't stop until they know how this season will fall apart for seasoned drinker and fan, Chris Lukawski. Thats dedication.

God I love Onion's parody of broadcast journalism in general, let alone their actual topics :)

Life and Death Fight

Here's a cute little short about an old lady's peaceful journey into the afterlife. Well, almost peaceful...

Embrace Life

This is a beautifully shot public service announcement to remind us of another reason to wear our seat belts. Worth the short watch for sure!

Batman vs. God

I'm sure everyone has had the argument of who would win in a fight, Batman or Superman? If you haven't, just try kicking that one into a conversation with some nerdy folk about. The sparks are beautiful :)

Of course in the end its a pointless comparison because Batman would win. Batman always wins. ALWAYS.

Don't forget that with Amazing Super Powers comics there is always a secret bonus comic to be found by clicking on the hidden question mark just to the right of the comic.

Punctuation Ain't Street

What a bold statement he's making. The man may not seem the graffiti type, but he's clearly a font of wisdom.

Thursday, February 4


So this is outside my normal upload parameters, but I figured it was time we started seeing other media you know? Its not you, its me. I like interactive experiences... if you know what I mean.

Anyway, Oiligarchy is a game where you plumb the earths black gold to make your money, then bribe government officials into doing what you want. You also abuse the little people, invade Iraq, destroy Alaska, and raise the terror alert. Then when your oil economy comes crashing down as the reserves run out and and those damn "environmentalists" get up in your grill you're finally forced to turn to alternative energy. Hooray, fun games with a message!

... of course its worth noting that the alternative energy source in this game may involve liquefying people...

Sad Rover

Wow, I never thought of our Mars exploration like this. Now I feel guilty for all those excited moments I had learning about its discoveries...

Monday, February 1

Badass(?) Ninja Man

This guy has clearly accumulated a lot of skills, though the usefulness of using a yo-yo mid flip may be debatable. I only say that because I'm super jealous though. The guy has released one of these vids every year for a while now, and they just keep getting more impressive. They're worth a look if this one tickles your fancy.

Linked To By: Frank V.