Friday, March 5

Ok Go Does It Again

Well Ok Go has once again made a brilliant and over the top music video. I can't even begin to imagine how much work and how many takes went into this project, but the results are certainly turning heads. Behold the impressive musical Rube Goldberg Machine. Also note that they never cut, meaning this whole thing ran smoothly in one go. If you've ever looked into these kinds of machines, that's a hell of a feat.

Thursday, March 4

Shopping With Style

This kid has clearly mastered a lifetime skill. My way of shopping seems rather absurdly boring at this point. I mean, I don't even think I can do that crazy shuffle. So there's a new thing for the bucket list. Learn to moon walk like I'm simultaneously fighting a war against my sentient legs. Its gonna be sick.

Weird Science Award 2010

I have to admit that I had no idea MSNBC had a Weird Science Award, but its pretty hilarious. I don't want to give too much away, but lets just say science "went there".

Oh, and if you're intruiged here is the link to the 2009 and 2008 awards. Science never stops!

Wednesday, March 3

True Dating Tip for Women

It's funny because its true. That's all that needs to be said here.

Burning Wood is a Conductor

If you were ever curious if carbon was a good conductor, I have the answer for you. Yes, and it's a sexy one at that. At least when that carbon is from a smoking branch lying across two power lines. Arcing electricity is hot shit.

Also it's worth noting that I don't believe that this branch fell from a tree. Kind of looks like blue skies all around to me...

Linked To By: Katie D.

Gorillaz Stylo Video

Gorillaz just released a new video as a teaser to their Plastic Beach album which is due to be released shortly. Its an awesome song with an equally awesome video. If you don't already know who the Gorillaz are then you're missing out, but have no fear we'll set you straight shortly.

Oh, and I don't want to give anything away but this music video has Bruce Willis in it.

They disabled embedding, so click to see it on YouTube

Linked To By: Shanti B.