Friday, August 6

The Mill Group 2010 Show Reel

This video is the Mill US's show reel, which frankly is damn impressive. I kind of want more...

Questionable History: The Crucifixion

To anyone who takes Christian satire too seriously and gets offended, it is probably a terrible idea to watch this video. For everyone else (particularly fans of B-rate action films), its hilarious. Jesus Christ, he's good with those shurikens.

Vanquish CGI/Gameplay Trailer

This game looks pretty sweet in its distinct east meets west way. Its always interesting to see a Japanese company make a somewhat "western" style game that sort of falls halfway in between. Its got some stereotypical things like Russian antagonists, mecha suits and a chain smoking protagonist. Apparently smoking is still cool in Japan?

During the lower points in battle, when Sam takes cover, the helmet on his super suit will reveal his face, he'll take out a cigarette, light it, take a puff and toss it away. Smoking a cigarette is what producer Atsushi Inaba calls a "finishing touch," a chance to show Sam's cool attitude.


Linked To By: Kris K.

Thursday, August 5

Captain Higgins The Flatworm

This is why I love the Oatmeal, he finds the most obscure things and presents them in a hilarious fashion. Who knew parasitic worms could be so amusing? Probably not ants...

Artificial Evolution Creates Stupid Intelligence

Some scientists have put together a cool virtual environment where little pieces of actually evolve to compete for 'food' which in this case is time on the processor. They certainly haven't become any kind of sentient code, but they have actually developed basic 'intelligence' such as remembering where they've been and how to sense where there is more food. AI is perhaps that much closer.

Tuesday, August 3

The Future And Our Lingo

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to start doing this. I mean look how cultured I could appear!

Comic Con Mocks Westboro Baptist Church Protesters

The Comic Convention is a meeting place for all kinds of nerds, and when you stir up that kind of nest the results are often hilarious. The Westboro Baptist Church found this out when they setup shop outside the convention with their ridiculous spiteful signs. I don't want to give away too much, but suffice to say the results were hilarious.

Linked To By: Brad S.