Friday, January 21

The MINI Vs Monster Truck

It's hard to write a blurb for this video. Just give it a wash and see what you think. And if you want to watch the "making of" video then look no further.

Heineken: The Entrance

This clever advertisement portrays a worldly man who is probably powered by Heineken. I'm guessing it was inspired by XX's advertising series The Most Interesting Man In The World.

Linked To By: Sarah K.

The Mill Group Showreel 2011

You probably don't realize you know The Mill Group, but after this jaw dropping show reel you'll see what they're capable of. And if you want more of this magic check out their 2010 reel which is equally show stopping!

Augmented Reality Magic Tricks

I'm not going to say this guy's story is compelling or the graphics are particularly impressive, but the combined effect of him drawing out each card in turn even after shuffles and the overlaid effects is fun to watch.

Gaming Heaven And Hell

Man, the escapist has zero punctuation and now this hilarious comic. I've really got to head over there often for my nerd humor. I should warn you, however, that this is essentially a massive inside joke for gamers, so if you don't get it don't sweat it.

Linked To By: Morgan H.

Wednesday, January 19

I'm On Crack!

I have no fucking idea what I've just watched, or watched again... or watched a third time. Why can't I stop watching this?!

Linked To By: Steve K.

Tuesday, January 18

Robot Snow Plow

Damn, I hate discovering these things on the web. I see a sweet robot like this and I want it, but then I realize A) I don't plow enough for it to make sense and B) it isn't even available. Ah well, at least it's fun to watch.

Monday, January 17

Time Stop Water Sculptures

It is a well known fact that things in slow motion are super bad ass. This clever artist just took the time to engineer some awesome still frames of water caught in all its glorious hydrogen bonded goodness.