Friday, April 9

Bunny and Turtle Cute Overload

This picture speaks for itself. Enjoy your smile =)

What Kills More People than Cancer and AIDS?

A cool way to grab people's attention. I can't tell if their choice of medium is ironic or poignant though...

Storm Trooper's Day Off

This collection of fun photos depicts the adventures of two Storm Troopers in their time off. It's lighthearted and well shot. It'll put a little smile on your face.

Playing Card Ninja

If you've ever wanted to be a shuriken throwing ninja or perhaps Gambit of the X-Men, then this guy is an awesome inspiration. Rick Smith Jr can throw ordinary playing cards with such power and precision he can slice vegetables in half and put out candles from a few paces away. I think the cucumber is my favorite part. Its like one of those classic samurai cuts where the thing is left standing for a little bit after the hit.

This guy is similarly impressive with his business card throwing skills;

Thursday, April 8

This is Not a Spiral

Pixels Invade New York

This fun little art film is kind of hard to describe. Essentially 8-bit creatures invade New York and go on a de-resing rampage. You'll just have to see it.

Social Johnny Cash Rotoscoping Video

This is an awesome website where you can use the onsite tool to rotoscope a single frame of "Ain't No Grave". The highest rated (by default, though you can pick other criteria) drawing in each slot gets dynamically included into the movie, slowly evolving into an awesome piece of art. Already it looks really cool, and I'm sure it will only get better!

Linked To By: Frank V.

Tuesday, April 6

*The* Action Film

Behold, I have witnessed the trailer to the action film. This is not just an action film, but the one that shall encompass them all. If this were a venn diagram, The Expendables would be the circle that engulfed every other film. "But why?" I hear you ask. Allow me to rattle off some of the cast:
-Sylvester Stallone
-Bruce Willis
-Jet Li
-Jason Statham
-Arnold "Get to the Choppah!" Schwarzenegger
-Mickey Rourke
-Stone Cold Steve Austin
-UFC Fighter Steve Couture

Now I'm not saying this movie will be "good" or that the acting will be decent, but if that isn't the makings of an action film, I don't know what is.

Linked To By: Kris K.