Friday, July 16

How To Fake Being Good Looking

Man, I have got such a soft spot for awesome satire. Well played Ms. Ugly... well played...

Flaming Truck Canyon Rafter Disaster

Its good to see that news agencies are there to help galvanize public support after every freak accident. Otherwise how are we to protect American citizens against the very real threat of flaming debris scything down into canyons and murdering rafters?! 


If This Were Real Money

Yay Monopoly. If only that money was worth something in reality, right? How awesome would that be?!

Thursday, July 15

290 Arnold Quotes

"Into the boat!" "Into the tunnel!" "GET TO THE CHOPPAH!!!"
He's a man of so many classic one liners, as this nonstop tirade so beautifully indicates. I've only now realized how many more Arnold movies I've gotta go see. I don't even know what some of these are, but based on the one lines they've gotta be good.

Another 130 after the break!

Star Wars On The Subway

This is why I need a Leia... erm Stormtrooper outfit. You know, so I can amuse commuters and live out my fantasy of terrorizing a galaxy. Sadly, it turns out I'm a little too short to be a storm trooper.

Beardyman and Dolby Present

It still blows my mind that every single sound in this video came out of Beardyman's mouth. Anyway, this is a funky jam combining a little scratching, hip hop, big bad and straight funk. How can you say no?!

Wednesday, July 14

Big Bang, Big Boom

This little movie is self labeled as, "an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end." I couldn't help but question how this kind of thing falls among graffiti laws, but the result is certainly fun to watch. I can only imagine how obnoxious it is to paint the same 10' thing over and over in slightly different positions.

Skis + Parachute + Mountain = Sport?

I've seen this kind of shit in James Bond movies, but I didn't realize there were people out there crazy enough to actually do it. I should have known better than to question the limits of human craziness, particularly in regards to tall things and going fast. Check out some more of this stuff here, here and here.

Tuesday, July 13


What do you get when you combine old school gaming with snowboarders, some CG artists and some 8-bit music remixes?  One hell of a badass boarding video. I love the references and production value!