Friday, October 8

How Iron Man Should Have Ended

Aside from the quotable "tank missile!" part, I love the interplay between the three superheroes afterwards. Of course the important question is who would win in a fight, Iron Man, Batman or Superman. Discuss.

Gun Size Matters

Another amusing piece by Freddie Wong, this time with the beautiful Canadian actress Shenae Grimes of 90210. The whole movie is ridiculous, but I love the moves and effects as always.

World's Smallest Stop Motion Animation

I can't say for sure whether or not this truely is the 'smallest' stop animation ever (I'm sure some crazy scientist somewhere made an animation using an electron microscope) but its a fun little romp regardless. Hah, see what I did there? Little? ... anyway, here it is. Oh, and its worth noting this was shot using a phone camera.

Tuesday, October 5

Fine Print On The Shirt

Maybe its just me, but I'd like to think this is a conversation we've all had in our heads when looking at some person's clothing with words stamped across their chest/butt(/crotch?). You want to look, but is that wrong?

Monday, October 4

How The Empire Strikes Back Should Have Ended

A hilarious animated rendition of how The Empire Strikes Back should have ended. You should expect to see more of this guy's work.

"You're the worst dad ever!"
"More like the most powerful dad ever."

Linked To By: Katie D.