Friday, December 11

Hoth Lego Photo Shoot

I've seen a great many things in my day, but I don't think I've ever seen Legos used in such an professional looking photo shoot. Behold Lego Hoth in all its glory!! (Click for gallery)

Mechwarrior Remix

Well I'm gonna be up front about this. The following post is only here because I want to spread my first YouTube submission around despite the fact that only a fraction of you guys will actually be super excited about its nerdy wonderfulness =)

But its my site, so I do what I want!

Daylight Saving Time, the Movie

The sun is failing!! Quick call NASA and invent some science! Yay space movies!

Thursday, December 10

Strange Lights over Norwary

Now I know you're thinking "Wait, isn't everything is strange in Norway?" but hear me out. Via my subscription to (yep, nerd... I know) I discovered his bizarre event. Sadly their site doesn't seem to have a good way to directly link to it, so I'll just copy it here. Click "Read More" or the post heading to see the full story behind... THIS!

No seriously, that wasn't photoshopped or done with fancy lens tricks. That shape honest to god appeared in the night sky. You think about that...

Wednesday, December 9

Terri-good Ninja Fight Scene

This here is a ridiculous and yet extensive double ninja fight scene that I can only assume is the culmination of the whole film. The scene is set when the two begin their epic duel on a rooftop badminton court, giving you an idea of how bad ass its about to get. The hero then spends 9 minutes getting his ass kicked by the other clearly better ninja, both of them using an absurd variety of weapons (Sword, Scabbard, Shuriken, Flash Bomb, Flamethrower, Mini-dagger, Mini-dagger on a Stick, Chain-Kama thing... etc etc) and demonstrating that flipping is the most efficient means of travel. It's essentially an B rate action scene so bad its good! :D

This is why I love b-rate films

EDIT: Well naturally I had to follow some of the related links and found even more terrible ninja films with campy fighting and rediculous dialog!
Ninja Terminator - Evil red ninja vs good guy camo ninja. Award for best "The End" moment.
Silent Assassin - 4 Ninjas with preposterous costumes fight... TO THE DEATH!! Watch them run up trees!
Enter the Ninja - Watch this man's epic use of the shoulder shrug in a 16 second clip.

Tuesday, December 8

A Modern Christmas Carol

In the spirit of Christmas and the release of Jim Carrey's Christmas Carol I bring you yet another take on how to best let the spirits of the holiday into your heart...

Monday, December 7

STANCE Snowboarding

Badass chicks snowboarding to sweet tunes. Need I say more? (If so, please see text below :P)

STANCE FILM from Jmills ENT. Jeremy Miller on Vimeo.
IMAGINE NATION: By combining forces with the industry’s best brands and riders our aim is not only to create the most innovative female snowboarding film to date, but to start a larger initiative to push snowboarding’s creative and cinematic boundaries. With Jmills Ent as an avenue for professional athletes and media artists to express themselves to their full potential, new ground can be covered.
STANCE will be a platform that shredders, core and recreational alike, are excited to take part in. You know your STANCE—now come take a look at ours.

Eloquent Senator on Gay Marriage

For those of you who don't believe homosexuals should have the legal right to marry, here's a damn well put together argument from those who disagree with you. For all you folk who are already on this bandwagon, the video is still an awesome summary/re-affirmation of what you already know! :)

Its a win-win!

Linked To By: 'Tora K.

Feel The Beat Mix

So I hear you all crying out, "Brendon, we're so bored and we need some lively music with a thumping beat and repetitive electronic sounds to elevate our energy!" Or perhaps those are just the voices in my head...

Regardless, I give you my custom made YouTube playlist that'll get ya going (if you're not looking for relaxing music that is =P). A few of the remixes are mostly just heavy drum and bass over songs you already know, so if that irritates you more than drives you then you might want to skip 'em, hehe.

WARNING: Some of the music videos have suggestive themes and ladies in bikinis. Techno dudes are into that apparently ;)