Thursday, September 2

Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury

Now I already put an NSFW tag on the posts I think are kind of inappropriate, but this one bears a special mention here. Seriously, its absolutely hilarious but its the exact opposite of safe for work. Its visuals are mostly benign(ish...), but the lyrics most certainly aren't. Also knowing who Ray Bradbury is makes this funnier.

Linked To By: Winston B.

Conan The Barbarian: The Musical

Arnold was always famed for pure singing voice and moving emotional numbers. This picturesque work is no different as it stirs the depths of your soul.

I pray to you Krom!!

Are Tests Biased Against Those That Don't Give A Fuck?

If you've ever been to school, you've probably borne witness to this heinous form of prejudice. Only by exposing it to the light of day can we finally confront this horror lurking the depths of our education system.

Wednesday, September 1

Fuck You Pt. 2

Well Cee-Lo Green has released a 2nd "official" video for his hit song "Fuck You", and it is awesome enough that it's getting its own post. Ah its these classic tails of the ugly duckling that just make your heart swim... and fuck you.

Linked To By: Anthony M.

Le Royaume

This clever little French short is well drawn, amusing and also has a good little message. Keep up this kind of work France and perhaps we'll name the freedom fry after ya.

Linked To By: Kieran F. and Morgan H.

Origins Of The Rocket Jump

This tale will explain to you the mysterious origins of the famed "Rocket Jump". For those nerds out there who are curious, the first vertical rocket jump was actually in the games Marathon and Rise of the Triad. Now you know.

Tuesday, August 31

Theory Vs Practice

It turns out mental experiments are often easier to carry out than their physical counterparts. Who knew?

Monday, August 30

Arcade Fire Browser Made Music Video

Its pretty hard to describe what you're about to see, but I can confidently say you've never seen something like it before. Well, unless you're from the future and/or reading this blog's archive. I'm sure this shit is all the rage on the moon.

Note, you HAVE to have to use the Chrome browser to view this incredible dynamic art, so if for some reason you're still stuck on some other wannabe "thing", here's a good reason to go try it out.

Linked To By: Frank V.

Trouble With Buying Apps

There is something hilarious about the reality in this comic. For anyone who has been faced with the difficult choice of purchasing an app for their smart phone should read on.

Moses On A Quest

Now this should be a fun litmus test for all you guys. I think you'll have to both know the Bible's story about "the burning bush" and also have done quests in RPGs such as World of Warcraft to find this funny. I laughed, which clearly showcases my labyrinthine knowledge.