Thursday, December 23

Mini Cannon Shooting Steel Balls

I don't know what kind of idiot destroys his own house to show off his mini cannon, but I suppose it's the same kind of guy who builds mini cannons. Either way I still want one if you're listening Santa.

Ralph Lauren 4D Experience

I'm not sure what makes this experience '4d' but I suppose its 3d objects projected on a 3d surface, which is 1d more than you get in a 3d movie experience? The integration is well done though, check it out!

Wednesday, December 22

2010 In Photos

Here is the year 2010 summarized in photos. Some of them are inspiring, some of them are disturbing, some of them are beautiful and all of them are breathtaking. Make sure you check out all 3 of the pages!

Monday, December 20

Friday, December 17

DJing With A Multi-Touch Light Table

I know what you're thinking. "Man, I'd love to get into DJing but hauling my gear from club to club after all that partying would just be so tiring." Well fear no more, this fellow has invented a brilliant multi-touch light screen program so that all you need to bring is your flash drive with your music. Well... that and you've got to get all your clubs to buy one of these for ya...

Meet Buck

The classic boyfriend meets father bit has been done to death... but never like this. Buck goes to visit his excitable girlfriend and gets a surprise introduction to dad. Hilarious.

Paths Of Hate

I love the style and energy behind this trailer, and it immediately made me go check out the film's site. Sadly there isn't much information there, but I'm hoping this is going to be released somewhere I can see it. Even with no words it's so visceral.

I Love You So Lip Sync

Much like the Johnny Cash Project, these guys used a little application to let normal people make a music video for a classic song. Its not quite as nifty of a setup, but the results are great to watch.

Find it here on Vimeo (with things like a seek bar)

Thursday, December 16

Upside Down Spetnaz

Is this photo real? Probably not. But it's so awesome I don't want to go out and disprove it. Ignorance is bliss and what not.

Wednesday, December 15

Mario Brothers GTA IV

I don't think many people have asked the question, "What would Grand Theft Auto be like with the Mario Brothers?" but I suppose its greater than 0. Here's a hilarious (and violent) take on that situation.

Tuesday, December 14

Why Statistics Are Important

Sometimes people can be very bad at risk management. I've tried to use this argument to get people to try skydiving, but its just inherently scarier to fling yourself from a plane than it is to get in a car and go downtown.

Robot Arm Ride

Somewhere between incredible stupidity and devious engineering lies a sweet spot where things like this can thrive. (0:06 is a good example of closer to stupidity)

Condom Bagpipe

Its creative and unexpected. I don't really know what else to say.

Saturday, December 11

Lego Antikythera Mechanism

The Antikythera Mechanism is the oldest known scientific computer, built in Greece at around 100 BCE. I won't go into too many details, the video does a good job of explaining, but suffice to say these guys built a fully functioning lego replica. Boom!

Linked To By: Shanti B.

Wednesday, December 8

Arnold Tribute Metal Bands

Today I discovered something amazing, or rather two somethings. I was shown Austrian Death Machine and Arnocorps, two Arnold tribute metal bands. I didn't even know that was a thing. Anyway, I'll leave it up to you guys to decide which is better. (If you need more Arnold check out 290 of his most memorable quotes!)

Linked To By: Bryn W. and John H.

Pneumatic Physics Prank

What could be better than a good prank? A good prank using ridiculous scientific equipment. If you want the full length "making of" version, go here.

(SPOILER: Sadly, this isn't actually real. There's a couple telltale signs that this was digitally edited alongside the physics issues)

Michael Buble Lets Fan Sing

Trust me, I'm aware of how painfully awkward this might seem to be. I can assure you, however, that Sam has a few surprises in store. Buble's swears make it that much more amusing!

Linked To By: Sarah K.

Saturday, December 4

One Man Dynamite A Cappella

This guy puts on a damn impressive show with his 10 twin brothers singing alongside him. There's definitely some post processes going on here, but he still made all these sounds with his mouth. Reminds me a bit of Beardyman, but different.

Linked To By: Matt J.

Monday, November 29

World Record Highest Dive

I just don't understand how you brace yourself mentally for something like this. Just imagining standing on a little platform on that tower is terrifying. Not only can does he jump off, but he does it with style.

(skip to 3:00 for jump if you're impatient)

Tuesday, November 23

Kinect Joy Ride Auto-Steer

I'll leave it up to the viewer to decide, but I think this game may try to assist the player a bit... (And yes, before you ask, this is totally legit. Others have tested it and gotten similar results)

Evolution Of Video Game Music

Raxel Van Schred tears up the stage with his rendition of several classic video game theme songs from then to now. This video is of a live performance but he dubbed over it with the studio version for higher quality. The songs he plays are:

Pacman - Theme
Tetris - Korobeiniki
Super Mario Brothers - Theme
Sonic the Hedgehog - Green Hill Zone
Outrun - Magical Sound Shower
Street Fighter 2 - Ryu's Theme
The Immortals - Techno Syndrome (Mortal Kombat Theme)
Metal Gear Solid 2 - Theme
Halo - Theme

Linked To By: Josh P.

Friday, November 19

Amazing Penalty Kick

Sometimes hubris can be your downfall. This goalie seriously needs to read some Greek literature. That lesson is all over those works.

Space-Time Distortion Cloaking Design

This is a new and very interesting way of approaching cloaking. Instead of trying to hide yourself in space, instead hide yourself in time! As cool as this idea is though, I must point out how incredibly impractical this kind of system would probably be. You need to somehow get this light slowing machine between you and the viewer without them seeing it, and to get any practical amount of cloaking time it'd need to be super deep. (With light going 30 mph, it'd have to be half a mile thick to get 60 sec of cloaking). Still, its pretty bad ass in theory.

Thursday, November 18

Ted Bear Survival Tips

Ted Bear is a master survivalist who wants to help you survive out in the wilderness. The most important part is finding the right food to keep you going. This will be easier or harder depending on your local, but I think he found the right place to get lost.

Cowboys And Aliens

Honestly there isn't much to say after you read the title. The only thing that surprised me was the quality of the cast. Maybe this is worth watching?

Linked To By: Shanti B.

Shake Weight

I can't tell if the creators of this ad series were entirely oblivious to where people's minds would take this, or if they were so brilliant as to realize its viral potential. I'm kind of leaning towards the latter considering some of the angles this thing is held at. Also ladies, this thing is great for you too!

Which one is more inappropriate? The ladies' ad or the men's one?

Linked To By: Ryan A.

Tuesday, November 16

Hatsune Miku Sings Live

Hatsune Miku is the personality given to a piece of vocalization software made by Yamaha. The place you've most likely heard her before (if you trawl the net) is from the famed Leek Spin meme where some user made her sing a traditional Finnish polka. Its an impressive piece of software and its figurehead had even been to space. Check it out.

Linked To By: Sarah K.

Thursday, November 11

Gamer Parent's Nightmare

If I ever have children, I will dread the following realization.

Sunday, November 7

YouTube Mosaic Music Video

This little gem I stumbled across is an music video made from stills from a variety of other YouTube videos. It makes for a pretty cool presentation and the song is catchy to boot. This is the best part of plowing through the myriad of videos on there.

Call Of Duty: Soldier In All Of Us

Yep, Call Of Duty knows there is a soldier inside of you, just like there is one inside of Kobe Bryant and Jimmy Kimmel. It's bit of a surreal commercial, but amusing none the less.

Friday, November 5

Reincarnation: Abstract Dance

Here's another odd music video thats even more abstract than the last. This is a procedural setup where the motions of some real dancers were used to drive this flame particle effect. It's a cool blend of human and liquid.

Todor And Petru

It's one of those music videos that doesn't really tell an obvious story, but I love the visuals and creativity. They did a great job of combining the life action and the animation.

Thursday, November 4

He-Man Pours His Soul Out

A more moving and brightly colored song has never been sung by such a muscled man. A He-Man.

Smoking Pot On National TV

Zach Galifianakis makes a point and simultaneously shows off his balls of steel when he lights up a joint on CNN. At least he's nice enough to offer it to everyone else.

Wednesday, November 3

The Elusive Alot

If you've ever been to YouTube, a forum or pretty much anywhere else on the internet where people can spew text then you've probably seen some horrific grammar and spelling. If this causes you undue distress, then perhaps Hyperbole and a Half has the solution for you.

Friday, October 29

New Daft Punk Track For Tron

If you didn't already know, Daft Punk will be making the sound track for Tron Legacy. This is awesome news. Even better, it looks like they get cameos in the film with some new sexy outfits (check out 1:35). Here's one of the tracks.

Linked To By: Kris K.

Vlad The Impala

If Dracula had a car, I'm pretty sure this is what it'd look like. That and maybe a bumper sticker with "I Brake 4 Sunlight".

Linked To By: Shanti B.

Monday, October 25

Cockatoo Dancing To Shake Your Tail Feather

This bird has got moves. Thats pretty much all you need to know. The hard part is picking out which one is his best.

Thursday, October 21

Concrete And Lightsabers

Pretty much everyone and their dogs has made a lightsaber video by now, but some of them rise above the rest. This one gets points for having a nice visual effect and good sound usage, but most of all it has some very nice choreography for the fights. Not many home made videos have flips, twists and handsprings!

Linked To By: Winston B.

Thai Iced Tea Pro

I didn't even know this was a skill one could have, but this Thai man has it in spades. My favorite part is imagining that he's using heelies to spin around on.

Linked To By: Katie D.

Wednesday, October 20

Go Pro 2010 Highlights

Its hard to imagine such a little camera can provide such fidelity, but if this video isn't proof I don't know what is. Of course the fact that all the people in the video are such pros doesn't hurt its cool factor.

Monday, October 18

Straight Talk on Gay Marriage

Some fucking straight talk on gay marriage. Its cathartic to just listen to it. I'd say I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but honestly I'm probably not... unless of course its the language that offends you. Thats fair and you should go watch this beeped out version, hehe.

Linked To By: Nancy D.

Friday, October 15

Blur Studios' Cinematics

Have you ever seen an awesome pre-rendered cut scene or trailer for a game? If yes, then there's a damn good chance it was done by Blur Studios. Its kind of ridiculous how much epic win they've managed to concentrate in their offices.

Asian Arrest Fail

I have no idea if this is a real photograph and/or if this is a real problem in Asia; I am, however, pretending the answers to both of those questions is "yes" and life has gotten significantly better.

Linked To By: Katie D.

Study: Americans Get Majority Of Exercise While Drunk

Its funny because it's probably true. Now excuse me while I go get hammered for my own well being.

Tony Jaa Continuous Fight

Tony Jaa's movies may not have the most elegant and moving stories, but I'll be damned if they don't have some of the most bad ass fight sequences (actually, I'll probably be damned regardless but that's neither here nor there). This one long shot from The Protector is one such impressive scene.

Linked To By: Katie D.

Thursday, October 14

The Girlfriend

Honestly, I'm not sure if this is a parody or an honest advertisement, but either way its hilarious. Its one of those things you need to just watch to get.

Linked To By: Winston B.

Bboy Joker Dance Off

This one has been around for a while, but its so well done it warrants a post regardless. The original soundtrack is catchy, the animation is smooth and I believe it was one of the first "choose your own adventure" attempts on YouTube... or at least the first high production one.

Linked To By: David L.

Wednesday, October 13

Turf Feinz Street Dancing

The Turf Feinz (which I can only assume means Turf Fiends in the language of dance) perform some bizarre yet mesmerizing combination of ballet and break dancing. It's as impressive as it is smooth.

Linked To By: Vandy S.

Friday, October 8

How Iron Man Should Have Ended

Aside from the quotable "tank missile!" part, I love the interplay between the three superheroes afterwards. Of course the important question is who would win in a fight, Iron Man, Batman or Superman. Discuss.

Gun Size Matters

Another amusing piece by Freddie Wong, this time with the beautiful Canadian actress Shenae Grimes of 90210. The whole movie is ridiculous, but I love the moves and effects as always.

World's Smallest Stop Motion Animation

I can't say for sure whether or not this truely is the 'smallest' stop animation ever (I'm sure some crazy scientist somewhere made an animation using an electron microscope) but its a fun little romp regardless. Hah, see what I did there? Little? ... anyway, here it is. Oh, and its worth noting this was shot using a phone camera.

Tuesday, October 5

Fine Print On The Shirt

Maybe its just me, but I'd like to think this is a conversation we've all had in our heads when looking at some person's clothing with words stamped across their chest/butt(/crotch?). You want to look, but is that wrong?

Monday, October 4

How The Empire Strikes Back Should Have Ended

A hilarious animated rendition of how The Empire Strikes Back should have ended. You should expect to see more of this guy's work.

"You're the worst dad ever!"
"More like the most powerful dad ever."

Linked To By: Katie D.

Friday, October 1

The Known Universe

If Monty Python's Galaxy song didn't convince you of the ridiculous scale of our universe, perhaps this more visual approach will awe you. God, science is awesome.

Wednesday, September 29

Thunder Busted

I've added another bad ass mashup to my YouTube playlist; It's a mingling of AC/DC's Thunderstruck and the Ghostbusters theme song. I'm pretty sure that's the definition of epic.

Linked To By: Steve K.

Tuesday, September 28

Half Price Prostitution

Its lewd, but hilarious. I think the googly-eyed hand's slogan is my favorite bit.

Friday, September 24

Action Filled Chase

The French premium movie station Canal Plus released this hilarious ad. I'm not sure his story would be as effective as implied, but I guess he should still get props for creativity.

Linked To By: Vandy S.

Thursday, September 23

Crazy Human Air Stunts

If you haven't heard of these indoor skydiving setups, let me explain. They're basically a massive fan inside a vertical tube that creates enough wind to allow you to float in the air (simulating skydiving). I knew of their existence, but I had no idea how agile a human being can be in flight.

(Skip to 2:10 to see the pro in action)

Tuesday, September 21

OK Go - White Knuckles

Well those crazy bastards have done it again. OK Go if you keep this up I'm going to need to make a tag just for you guys. I'm not sure if this one is actually 1 cut, but the seamless appearance of the video is impressive none the less. Some of their previous stuff here.

Exotic Fish

Aquariums have never looked like such a bachelor party haven before. Just don't tap the glass, the bouncers will haul your ass out onto the street.
(Don't forget to check out the secret comic for a good moral lesson. Find the invisible question mark with your mouse to the right of the top of the strip)

Monday, September 20

Let's Colour - Walls Are Dancing

This video starts off slow, but I love what the editor did with the paintings as the song picks up. The part I'm still trying to figure out is how much of this video is genuine stop motion and how much of it has been manipulated in After Effects. Unless they repainted the walls several times, there are frames that seems to show different orders of painting which makes me feel like some masking and combining was done. Still, its an awesome film. Go here to see the making of video.

Origami Master

This is another one of those niche artists like the pencil guy who has honed his craft to a ridiculous level. This man can apparently make anything out of a folded dollar bill (or sometimes two). I can't even fathom how he got the scales on this koi, or the thin struts of the Eiffel tower. You have to see this.

Life Cycles

I'm not sure biking has ever looked this epic. The camera work and editing is gorgeous. I'm not sure about the bike philosophy they sneak in there, but the rest of the video is worth it.

Friday, September 17

Burning The Koran

Hmmm, most people agree that book burning is offensive but what about deleting a digital copy? What about printing it out, then burning it? Or what about igniting a CD containing it, or tossing your HD out a window? Is that offensive?


iPad Future Magic

These creative guys have come up with an awesome way to use the iPad. The movie explains their process, but basically by playing cross-section animation on it while moving it through space in front of a long exposure camera, they can 'extrude' the light into space. Its a trippy effect.

Linked To By: Claude M.

Clean Your Balls

So no one wants to play with dirty equipment. Thats why you have to keep your balls clean. So the real question then is, "How can guys clean their balls so they're more enjoyable to play with?"

Apparently Axe has a solution...

Linked To By: Kris K.

Thursday, September 16

Coffee Latte Printer

For all of you who love robotics and coffee (I think the former is almost entirely contained within the latter group) then you'll probably want one of these devices. Sadly, you can't get one at the moment but the imagined possibilities are pretty sweet.

Who Put That Pole There?

I wonder how many rally cars actually made it past that turn unscathed? I can assure you its less than 100% though.

Linked To By: Steve K.

Wednesday, September 15

My Favorite Pillow Song

The backwards camera trick is something I'm sure all of you have seen before, but I'm particularly impressed with how well they got the backwards lip syncing to work. Well that and the fact that its cool to see 600 pillows being used in odd destructible sculptures...

Tuesday, September 14

Fighter Jet Rainbow Physics

That's right. You might have heard that war isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but apparently it does at least encompass rainbows. Read on to discover why/how this awesome phenomenon occurs!

Ant Hurricane

This is one of those videos that'll make you do a double take. And yes, this is a real phenomenon. Turns out there are some downsides to a hive mind setup, and that is the inability to see the big picture. If you just follow the guy right before you, you might end up doing something incredibly dumb. I'm sure there is some wisdom in that statement.

Linked To By: Caleb H.

Thursday, September 9

Space Saving Furniture

To those of you who live in smaller spaces and/or those who love efficiency, allow me to present this Italian designer's impressive set of furniture that folds/flops/rotates it's way into multi-functional awesomeness. Its like transformers for your house!

Tuesday, September 7

Sticky Note Experiment

I was previously unaware that you could make slinkies from sticky notes, but this epic waste of paper has shown the error of my ways. I suppose this kind of thing is okay in the name of art, but I really hope they recycled that stuff or perhaps sent them to foster offices where they could be used.

Linked To By: Katie D.

Thursday, September 2

Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury

Now I already put an NSFW tag on the posts I think are kind of inappropriate, but this one bears a special mention here. Seriously, its absolutely hilarious but its the exact opposite of safe for work. Its visuals are mostly benign(ish...), but the lyrics most certainly aren't. Also knowing who Ray Bradbury is makes this funnier.

Linked To By: Winston B.

Conan The Barbarian: The Musical

Arnold was always famed for pure singing voice and moving emotional numbers. This picturesque work is no different as it stirs the depths of your soul.

I pray to you Krom!!

Are Tests Biased Against Those That Don't Give A Fuck?

If you've ever been to school, you've probably borne witness to this heinous form of prejudice. Only by exposing it to the light of day can we finally confront this horror lurking the depths of our education system.

Wednesday, September 1

Fuck You Pt. 2

Well Cee-Lo Green has released a 2nd "official" video for his hit song "Fuck You", and it is awesome enough that it's getting its own post. Ah its these classic tails of the ugly duckling that just make your heart swim... and fuck you.

Linked To By: Anthony M.

Le Royaume

This clever little French short is well drawn, amusing and also has a good little message. Keep up this kind of work France and perhaps we'll name the freedom fry after ya.

Linked To By: Kieran F. and Morgan H.

Origins Of The Rocket Jump

This tale will explain to you the mysterious origins of the famed "Rocket Jump". For those nerds out there who are curious, the first vertical rocket jump was actually in the games Marathon and Rise of the Triad. Now you know.

Tuesday, August 31

Theory Vs Practice

It turns out mental experiments are often easier to carry out than their physical counterparts. Who knew?

Monday, August 30

Arcade Fire Browser Made Music Video

Its pretty hard to describe what you're about to see, but I can confidently say you've never seen something like it before. Well, unless you're from the future and/or reading this blog's archive. I'm sure this shit is all the rage on the moon.

Note, you HAVE to have to use the Chrome browser to view this incredible dynamic art, so if for some reason you're still stuck on some other wannabe "thing", here's a good reason to go try it out.

Linked To By: Frank V.

Trouble With Buying Apps

There is something hilarious about the reality in this comic. For anyone who has been faced with the difficult choice of purchasing an app for their smart phone should read on.

Moses On A Quest

Now this should be a fun litmus test for all you guys. I think you'll have to both know the Bible's story about "the burning bush" and also have done quests in RPGs such as World of Warcraft to find this funny. I laughed, which clearly showcases my labyrinthine knowledge.

Friday, August 27

Sculptures Carved From Pencils

I've seen some pretty awesome art floating around the internet, but every once and a while I something so mind boggling it literally dumbfounds me. Dalton Getty is one of those people. The image you see below is a real pencil that he painstakingly carved into that hanging embedded heart. He didn't insert that thing in and glue it. No, he literally chiseled it out of the middle of the pencil in one piece using a magnifying glass, an x-acto knife and a sewing needle. What... the... fuck...

I Am Afraid

If you've got any phobias and/or love Eminem, this might resonate with you. Maybe... Mostly I'm just continuing on my spree of music posts.

Thursday, August 26

Eagle Drop Kick To The Face

Probably the most badass flying kick I've seen outside of a Tony Jaa movie. So regal, and yet so vicious. I'm enthralled.

Lava The Puppy

The contrast between the honest depiction of this marine's brutal job and the joy this puppy brings him really makes this little story inspiring. It simultaneously shows how hard a soldier's life can be, and yet how much a single little thing can help someone be happy.

Ninja Robot Hand

This video isn't new, but the dexterity of this robotic hand is impressive enough to warrant going up here anyway. I particularly like the phone flipping trick. As the voice over points out, tossing stuff to itself isn't usually in a robot's skill set.

Linked To By: Dan L.

Tuesday, August 24

Fuck You, The Song

This unexpected combination of jazzy soul and "fuck you" actually makes for a hilariously awesome song. Its kind of hard to describe and I think it falls squarely into the category of "just has to be seen to understand."

Also the the motion enhanced typography reminds me of the Marsellus Wallace video I posted before.

Linked To By: Neale G.

Monday, August 23

It's Power Hour

I don't know if you guys saw Kanye's odd music video to the song power about the downfall of a decadent society or something rather, but I (shockingly) prefer this parody by Freddie Wong and Destorm. Amusing editing and great imagery.

Friday, August 20

Cats And Guidance Lasers

More cat humor. It's funny if you've had a mad scientist genius cat.

Words: The Movie

It took me a bit to figure out what was going on in this movie, but I don't want to rob that moment of realization from you. Suffice to say it has to do with words.

Thursday, August 19

Egg Trap

In the words of a famous admiral, "IT'S A TRAP!"

Linked To By: Katie D.

Wrestler Turned Politician

This comic falls solidly into the 'funny because it's true' category.

Wednesday, August 18

Breakbot Is Funky

I discovered this song via some fancy footwork courtesy of TakeSomeCrime, but when I watched the real music video I was damn impressed. The transitions in particular are amazing.

Tuesday, August 17

A Real Thinking Cap

I love when science tells me that things I would have assumed were crazy are actually useful. Case and point, see this article describing some tests where they zapped peoples brains into being more efficient. Thats right, targeted electrical pulses to the head made people perform over twice as well on some pattern recognition tests! Perhaps "put on your thinking cap" will be literal someday soon.

Literal Tron Trailer

I'd never thought a song literally describing the events of a trailer could be amusing, but this guy is hilarious. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of his stuff posted here as I find it.

Walking, walking, walking, walking, cut. JEFF BRIDGES!

Friday, August 13

Time Crisis Live

Those of you who have played the classic arcade shooter Time Crisis should get a kick out of this live re-enactment. For anyone else who just likes pointless action, its still sweet. I also like the fact that this YouTube film maker was actually approached by the actor from the TV series Spartacus who wanted to be in the video. Look behind the scenes for more.

Thursday, August 12

Mandlebox Rox!

I bet you never thought that math could produce badass 3d alien ruins via a fancy equation did you? Or if you did, then I bet you've never seen such a sexy Mandlebrot box. Whatever your prior experience with these 3d "fractals", this one is certainly something to gaze upon.

Wednesday, August 11

Totally Moving Bromance Music Video

Never before have I been so moved by a totally heterosexual police bromance. I mean check out the protagonist's mullet. How could you not feel a connection?

Tuesday, August 10

Illustrated Airplane Experience

For anyone who's ever flown before, I think this little retelling will be extra good. Its one of those things where its just funny 'cause its true.

Linked To By: Vandy S.

Monday, August 9

An Interesting Take On Inception

Warning, this post contains spoilers!!

Anyway, if you've seen Inception no doubt you've pondered on the various mysteries and ideas it presented. I'm not sure if i'm totally sold on this guy's point of view, but I didn't have a chance to read his post in depth yet. I'm curious what you all think.

Friday, August 6

The Mill Group 2010 Show Reel

This video is the Mill US's show reel, which frankly is damn impressive. I kind of want more...

Questionable History: The Crucifixion

To anyone who takes Christian satire too seriously and gets offended, it is probably a terrible idea to watch this video. For everyone else (particularly fans of B-rate action films), its hilarious. Jesus Christ, he's good with those shurikens.

Vanquish CGI/Gameplay Trailer

This game looks pretty sweet in its distinct east meets west way. Its always interesting to see a Japanese company make a somewhat "western" style game that sort of falls halfway in between. Its got some stereotypical things like Russian antagonists, mecha suits and a chain smoking protagonist. Apparently smoking is still cool in Japan?

During the lower points in battle, when Sam takes cover, the helmet on his super suit will reveal his face, he'll take out a cigarette, light it, take a puff and toss it away. Smoking a cigarette is what producer Atsushi Inaba calls a "finishing touch," a chance to show Sam's cool attitude.


Linked To By: Kris K.

Thursday, August 5

Captain Higgins The Flatworm

This is why I love the Oatmeal, he finds the most obscure things and presents them in a hilarious fashion. Who knew parasitic worms could be so amusing? Probably not ants...

Artificial Evolution Creates Stupid Intelligence

Some scientists have put together a cool virtual environment where little pieces of actually evolve to compete for 'food' which in this case is time on the processor. They certainly haven't become any kind of sentient code, but they have actually developed basic 'intelligence' such as remembering where they've been and how to sense where there is more food. AI is perhaps that much closer.

Tuesday, August 3

The Future And Our Lingo

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to start doing this. I mean look how cultured I could appear!

Comic Con Mocks Westboro Baptist Church Protesters

The Comic Convention is a meeting place for all kinds of nerds, and when you stir up that kind of nest the results are often hilarious. The Westboro Baptist Church found this out when they setup shop outside the convention with their ridiculous spiteful signs. I don't want to give away too much, but suffice to say the results were hilarious.

Linked To By: Brad S.

Tuesday, July 27

Dancing Techno Cows

If there was a better video to exemplify my "WTF" tag, I don't know what it is. This video defies all logic, though one of the comments perhaps did it best.

Why is everyone all like 'wtf? this shits 'weird'? I happen to think that shapeshifting dancing cows are fucking great.
But then again I'm high.

Linked To By: Shanti B.

Popcorn Done By The Muppets

You might recognize this song from some of those obnoxious Crazy Frog videos, but its hard to top good ol' fashioned muppet action. I love that they're back in action and rocking YouTube. Awww yeah.

Linked To By: Steve K.

Friday, July 23

Justin Beiber's Hair (A Rhyme)

What could be better than combining Dr. Suess-esque rhyme with pop sensation Justin Beiber and his hair? Perhaps a tube the produced infinite cupcakes... but lets be serious here.


TakeSomeCrime Dances To Spit It Out

Its been a while since I've posted this guy, and he's only gotten better! His style choices are certainly bold (thats my nice way of saying "WTF?"), but I can't deny that he can move his body in incredible ways. I gotta learn some of that.

Beardyman Live Mumbai Cells Remix

The video intro pretty much explains it all, but in short Beardyman remakes this song live in one take having heard it for the first time that day. Will this hairy man ever cease to amaze me? I doubt it.

Urban Woods

Its amazing how a simple little idea can be so brilliant. A few mirrors and a tree can add a forest to a city! I'd love to see this thing, but sadly its a little ways off.

Tron 2.0 Legacy Trailer

Tron 2.0 released another trailer recently, and I'd say its the best to date. It's got some epic shots of the computer landscape, and it also gives a better idea of the premise of the movie. Here's to hoping its a good movie and not just a good trailer.

Wednesday, July 21

Lagoa Multiphysics Sim

I don't know the details behind this magical piece of software, but the fact that it brings together physics and computers is enough to win my heart over immediately. I could be behind the times, but its my understanding that what you're about to witness here is ridiculously ahead of the curve. Wooooosh

Tuesday, July 20

How To Mess With Nerds

My brain might explode if someone did this to me... and no, that's not a challenge.

Monday, July 19

Fainting Goats

Okay, so its kind of a lie. These goats don't actually faint when surprised or excited, but their muscles do lock up in a hilarious way. I'm not really clear how this trait passed it's way through natural selection, but I guess their natural predators didn't like food that appeared to instantly die before they could get to it?

Linked To By: Josh P.

Friday, July 16

How To Fake Being Good Looking

Man, I have got such a soft spot for awesome satire. Well played Ms. Ugly... well played...

Flaming Truck Canyon Rafter Disaster

Its good to see that news agencies are there to help galvanize public support after every freak accident. Otherwise how are we to protect American citizens against the very real threat of flaming debris scything down into canyons and murdering rafters?! 


If This Were Real Money

Yay Monopoly. If only that money was worth something in reality, right? How awesome would that be?!

Thursday, July 15

290 Arnold Quotes

"Into the boat!" "Into the tunnel!" "GET TO THE CHOPPAH!!!"
He's a man of so many classic one liners, as this nonstop tirade so beautifully indicates. I've only now realized how many more Arnold movies I've gotta go see. I don't even know what some of these are, but based on the one lines they've gotta be good.

Another 130 after the break!

Star Wars On The Subway

This is why I need a Leia... erm Stormtrooper outfit. You know, so I can amuse commuters and live out my fantasy of terrorizing a galaxy. Sadly, it turns out I'm a little too short to be a storm trooper.

Beardyman and Dolby Present

It still blows my mind that every single sound in this video came out of Beardyman's mouth. Anyway, this is a funky jam combining a little scratching, hip hop, big bad and straight funk. How can you say no?!

Wednesday, July 14

Big Bang, Big Boom

This little movie is self labeled as, "an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end." I couldn't help but question how this kind of thing falls among graffiti laws, but the result is certainly fun to watch. I can only imagine how obnoxious it is to paint the same 10' thing over and over in slightly different positions.

Skis + Parachute + Mountain = Sport?

I've seen this kind of shit in James Bond movies, but I didn't realize there were people out there crazy enough to actually do it. I should have known better than to question the limits of human craziness, particularly in regards to tall things and going fast. Check out some more of this stuff here, here and here.

Tuesday, July 13


What do you get when you combine old school gaming with snowboarders, some CG artists and some 8-bit music remixes?  One hell of a badass boarding video. I love the references and production value!

Friday, July 9

Cell Shaded And Action Packed

Continuing on my little art binge, here's some awesome work from Asaf Hanuka. He's got a bold style that somehow just sucks you in. Its hard to due justice to it with words, take a look for yourself!