Friday, November 27

The Jaguar Supercomputer Puts Real Cat to Shame

Allow me to start this post with some perspective. An extremely nice home computer right now might have a quad core processor, 8GB of on board RAM and a Terabyte hard drive.

This preposterous monster they cooked up in the name of science (FOR SCIENCE!!), The Jaguar, is slightly better than the machine I mentioned before. For instance, they scaled up from 4 cores to around 255,000!! Its got 16GB of RAM per processor, giving it a total of 261 GB of RAM. That goes nicely with its 10,750 Terabytes of hard drive space. Oh, and each of those 192 servers that makes up its storage space can spit out information to the computer at 1.25 GB/s. That's 240 GB/s total.

Yes, this machine could load everything on all the computers of all your immediate relatives into memory in under a second. And then it'd compute the shit out of that data.

Possible downsides include its 4,500 square ft footprint, and a bit of an electricity bill from its 50,000,000 kW annual operating usage.

Linked To By: Frank V.

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