Tuesday, April 6

*The* Action Film

Behold, I have witnessed the trailer to the action film. This is not just an action film, but the one that shall encompass them all. If this were a venn diagram, The Expendables would be the circle that engulfed every other film. "But why?" I hear you ask. Allow me to rattle off some of the cast:
-Sylvester Stallone
-Bruce Willis
-Jet Li
-Jason Statham
-Arnold "Get to the Choppah!" Schwarzenegger
-Mickey Rourke
-Stone Cold Steve Austin
-UFC Fighter Steve Couture

Now I'm not saying this movie will be "good" or that the acting will be decent, but if that isn't the makings of an action film, I don't know what is.

Linked To By: Kris K.

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